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Social Media Content: Pros, Cons, Examples and Best Practices

Published on 2014/12/17 By admin

Aside from your company website, social media content may be one of the most visible forms of content marketing that a brand can produce. When potential customers are seeking out information about your industry and your brand, they are most likely first visiting your website, then checking out your social channels. Content on social media allows you to open up a direct line of communication with customers, prospects and industry leaders in way that traditional media placements simply do not.

7 Techniques for Embedding Social Media Content by @BrianHonigman

Published on 2014/06/18 By admin

Twitter, Vine, Instagram, SlideShare, YouTube, Google+, Facebook, and other social networks allow users to embed public social media content across the web. These embeds of status updates, videos, presentations, and photos give brands, businesses, and publishers an opportunity to source, share, and curate content in new ways that incorporate audience participation and extend the reach of the social content to new platforms. Here are seven techniques for embedding social media content across your blog or website: 1

10 Ways To Get Traffic Like Buzzfeed (Without Paying For It) by @albertcostill

Published on 2014/04/04 By admin

How many times have you logged into Facebook with the intention of just quickly checking the News Feed when you notice a quiz? Intrigued, you click the link and have now been sucked into a quiz, which you’ll then share on Facebook causing a portion of your friends to do the same. BuzzFeed got you […] Author information Albert Costill Just a typical guy that enjoys an ice-cold beer, pizza, sports and music.

Is Your Social Media Content Quality-Controlled? by @coreypadveen

Published on 2014/03/31 By admin

If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one around to hear it, does it make a sound? To put it another way, if you post something on social media and (you think) no one is around to read it, does it still make an impact? A former PR executive in New York, the well-known […] Author information Corey Padveen Director of Global Social Business Strategy at t2 Marketing International Corey Padveen is Google AdWords Certified, Google Analytics Certified, a Certified Inbound Marketer and the Director of Global Social Business Strategy at t2 Marketing International

The Power of Visual Content Marketing and Brand Visuals in Action

Published on 2013/05/15 By admin

Visual content is certainly trendy – see the meteoric rise in infographics and social engagement with images as proof. Yet the need for content that appeals on a visual level and presents information in a more engaging format than text goes far beyond what is cool or fun to create

Why You Need To Treat Your Social Media Strategy Like Your Content Strategy

Published on 2013/01/29 By admin

In a typical organization, the social media tweets away in one department while content writers toil away in another. The social team links to fresh content, sure… and that’s about the extent of their interactions.

Five Social Media Marketing Tricks for Halloween

Published on 2011/10/31 By admin

This Halloween do you think social media will bring you tricks or treats? For some marketers, every day is Halloween when it comes to social media marketing . These marketers expect the bogeyman to be hiding behind every piece of consumer-generated content and assume their customers and the public only use Facebook and Twitter witchcraft to create bloodcurdling tricks

How to Get More Out of Content Marketing

Published on 2011/10/04 By admin

Companies are jumping on the  content marketing bandwagon in increasing numbers, investing in new content for articles, newsletters, whitepapers, blogs, and video to better attract and engage customers.

How to Overcome 4 Social Media Headaches

Published on 2011/02/16 By admin

Social Media Marketing has taken a firmer position within the marketing mix of most companies in one way or another. For some, social web participation is a natural fit. For many others, being more social isn’t in the management DNA.

How to Overcome 4 Social Media Headaches

Published on 2011/02/16 By admin

Social Media Marketing has taken a firmer position within the marketing mix of most companies in one way or another. For some, social web participation is a natural fit.