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Best Practices for Choosing Effective and Captivating Social Media Visuals

Published on 2018/07/30 By admin

For both B2B and B2C brands, social media marketing has become an age-old tactic by now. And it’s no surprise.

Social Media Images Part 2: Creating Brand Recognition & Learning From Inspiring Brand Examples

Published on 2016/02/02 By admin

Each day customers are becoming increasingly self-directed, and are using search engines, content assets and social media to help guide purchasing decisions. Need proof?

Social Media Images Part 1: Sizes, Best Practices and Tools

Published on 2016/01/21 By admin

When battling other businesses for your customers attention on social media, you have to stand out in order to get noticed. That can mean being disruptive, going against standard marketing practices, or doing something unique that draws the attention of your customers away from the “noise” of social media. One way to accomplish that goal is to harness the power and creativity of images