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How To Attribute Comparable Value To Search & Social Campaigns

Published on 2013/04/09 By admin

The rapid growth of social media has meant that search engines now invest a significant amount of time into innovating how content discovery works on the Web. Recent projects such as Facebook Graph Search and the growth and adoption of Google+ signify the developing relationship between search… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

Online Marketing News: Social Media ROI Gets Serious, Know Your Metrics, Facebook Search Engine, Twitter Rumors & What They Mean For You

Published on 2012/04/06 By admin

Are Your Social Media Efforts Worth The Money? This infographic recently released by Radian6 dives into how online marketers are currently measuring social media results as well as questions many marketers are asking.  Some of the highlights include: Equation for determining ROI Customer Engagement Importance of ROI 3 Rules for Building Business Relationships Building your network both online and offline requires effort