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Enduring Engagement: 5 Easy Ways To Build New B2B Marketing Connections & Make Them Last

Published on 2022/04/27 By admin

How can B2B marketers create new professional connections that endure, and strengthen their existing business relationships? With ostensibly more ways than ever to find new connections both online and off, the task can seem overwhelming. Luckily, by making clear goals and putting a strategy in place to achieve them, marketers can start truly tapping into the power of building new connections and making them — along with existing ones — stand the test of time

How Social Do Senior Marketing Executives and the CMO Need To Be?

Published on 2016/09/20 By admin

Explosive growth of social networks has attracted considerable attention to CEO and executive use of social media. Optimism about executive social media impact has been fueled in part by studies like the BRANDfog survey , which reports executive social participation leads to better leadership, creates more brand transparency and helps build better connections with customers, employees, and investors.

The Gift of “Give to Get” in Social Media and Content Marketing

Published on 2014/12/24 By admin

Me, Nazli & Konnie from Dell & Mark Schaefer at Dell World “Pay it forward”, “Good karma”, “Give to get”. There are many ways to express the notion of creating value for others before expecting something in return, but in the marketing world, such a perspective is contrary to the norm.

5 Networking Tips for the Tech-Savvy and Introverted by @mindydweinstein

Published on 2014/11/14 By admin

We’re taught in order to progress in our careers we have to network with others. However, if you are introverted, meeting with someone one-on-one or just being by yourself sounds a whole lot more appealing than spending hours in a crowded room of people

The Lowdown On Ello, The Promising Social Network by @JuliaEMcCoy

Published on 2014/10/16 By admin

The latest social media site sounds like it is greeting you: but it’s Ello without an H, and it’s more than just a friendly greeting. It is a social site that is making some major promises and churning up major interest

From Social to Content: Facebook’s Evolution Into a Content Conglomerate

Published on 2014/04/24 By admin

In the wide world of the Internet, fickle users, demanding investors, and growing technologies are just a few […] Author information Derek Miller Contributor at CopyPress The post From Social to Content: Facebook’s Evolution Into a Content Conglomerate appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

The Growing Pains of SXSW: An Interview with Brian Solis by @murraynewlands

Published on 2014/04/03 By admin

2014 represents the 20th anniversary of SXSW Interactive. Even at the ripe age of 20, the show is still experiencing growing pains…in a good way.

Social Media Versus Social Networking as a Content Marketing Strategy by @billbelew_com

Published on 2014/03/27 By admin

Content marketing and social network marketing are not the same thing. Content marketing is creating solid, high-integrity content that attracts prospective business opportunities.

A Peek Inside a Social Media Marketer’s Toolbox: The Best Free Apps You Didn’t Know Exist by @laurenmonitz

Published on 2014/02/26 By admin

A magician is only as impressive as their tricks, a wizard is only as magical as their sorcery, and a social media marketer is only as good as their toolbox. Here’s a peek at some of the best free programs I use regularly to track, growth hack, and monitor our social media channels (no affiliation). […] Author information Lauren Monitz Lauren Monitz has been doing Online Marketing for over six years and has a Master’s in E-business strategy

In a Nutshell: What is The Difference Between Online, Inbound, Social Media, and Content Marketing? by @billbelew_com

Published on 2014/02/25 By admin

There might be some confusion as to what the differences are between online, inbound, social media, and content marketing. Let me tell you briefly what these four marketing efforts are not, then I will let a “friend” explain what they are and illustrate how they are related. Online marketing is not being a sleazy dude who tries […] Author information Bill Belew CEO at BillBelew.com Professor, Speaker, Author, all-around old man.