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Wharton Professor, Ethan Mollick, On The Decay Of Internet Search

Published on 2024/01/02 By admin

Ethan Mollick, an Associate Professor at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, posted on X about his disappointment with overall internet search.

Is Google Spam-Free? A Case Study on Spam in SERPs by @cognitiveSEO

Published on 2014/07/01 By admin

No longer than one year ago, on June 11th 2013, Google, launched a new algorithm whose main purpose was to clean some very “shady” niches, such as “payday loans” or “buy Viagra”.

Someone Outranking You With Your Own Content? Use The New Google Scraper Report

Published on 2014/02/27 By admin

One of the most frustrating experiences for any publisher is discovering that someone not only has copied your content but outranks you on Google for searches related to that content. Now, Google seems to have heard the complaints and has launched a tool to help. Called the Google Scraper Report,…

Matt Cutts At Pubcon 2013: Moonshots, Machine Learning & The Future Of Google Search

Published on 2013/10/23 By admin

This morning Matt Cutts, head of Google’s webspam team, gave a keynote speech at Pubcon in Las Vegas. The keynote comes on the heels of a scathing day 1 keynote from Jason Calacanis who said that Google rules everything, that they were essentially evil.

The Structured Data Brouhaha At SMX East: Clarifying Contentious Issues

Published on 2013/10/16 By admin

If you attended the Structured Data Superstars session at SMX East earlier this month, you probably witnessed a very brief interchange between myself and Googler Pierre Far at the end of the session. Pierre woke everyone up by stating that some of the semantic markup recommendations I’d… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Google May Have Penalized Another Major Link Network: Ghost Rank 2.0

Published on 2013/09/24 By admin

Google has significantly penalized another underground link network over the weekend and we believe that one of the link networks targeted by Google is named Ghost Rank 2.0. A few weeks ago, Matt Cutts, Google’s head of search spam, tweeted “Thinking of ghost-related puns for a spam..

Google’s Matt Cutts: Spammers Rarely Spam Using Multiple ccTLDs

Published on 2013/09/16 By admin

In a recent video answer by Google’s head of search spam, Matt Cutts, Google said that spammers rarely use multiple or mass number of ccTLDs in an effort to spam. This comment came from Matt Cutts when he answered a question on if it is duplicate content to have the same content on an IPv4… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

Google’s Matt Cutts Further Explains Automation of Reconsideration Request Process by @wonderwall7

Published on 2013/08/30 By admin

In the latest video from YouTube’s Google Webmaster Help channel, Matt Cutts explains why the Google Spam team can’t handle every individual reconsideration request with a personal response: The video came from a sent-in question, asking why his thoughtful, well-written requests were always followed up by automatic responses from Google.

Google Says “Snag” Has Taken Manual Spam Actions Viewer Offline

Published on 2013/08/09 By admin

If you’re not seeing the “Manual Actions” feature in Google Webmaster Tools, you’re not alone. Many webmasters have taken to Twitter and other social networks to say that the link has been removed from their accounts, and Google has updated its original announcement to say..

Google Releases Seven Videos On Typical Manual Spam Actions

Published on 2013/08/08 By admin

Earlier today, Google launched manual spam actions to Google Webmaster Tools where you can see if your site currently has a manual spam action. To help those who have received some of these manual action notifications, Google created seven videos for the most common manual action notifications.