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SAP on the New AR for B2B Content Marketing: Authentic Reality

Published on 2023/10/18 By admin

In an age where the allure of artificial intelligence (AI) has captured the attention of so many of us in the B2B marketing industry, the essence of authentic human connection in storytelling is more important than ever. As the dust settles on the GenAI hype cycle, we’ll see that successful B2B marketers are those who recognize the value of integrating emotion and empathy into their narratives and ensuring their messages resonate with audiences.

Once Upon a Time: Storytelling in Today’s B2B Content Marketing Landscape

Published on 2019/03/20 By admin

Everything—no matter how innocuous or dated—had its use. It was a mantra he lived by

The Importance of Storytelling in Content Marketing #MPB2B

Published on 2016/10/20 By admin

Once upon a time … A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away … There once was … These aren’t just classic fairy tale or movie beginnings. They represent memories

What is corporate storytelling and why is it important?

Published on 2016/08/26 By admin

Persistence is the quality that often gets attributed to any type of success in marketing and sales. Most professionals will tell you that you have to repeat the same message over and over again until you get satisfactory results.

Learn How to Compel Your Audience to Act with These 3 Storytelling Tips

Published on 2016/04/19 By admin

When you hear the phrase “once upon a time…” your mind likely flashes to some of your favorite childhood stories. But what exactly is it that you remember about these stories, is it: The conflict between Cinderella and her stepmother, that didn’t stop her from finding a happy ending

How to Engage and Persuade People Through Storytelling by @neilpatel

Published on 2015/04/27 By admin

Storytelling is so powerful that it’s been around for over 40,000 years. So how can you use storytelling to engage and persuade your website visitors

What’s Up With WhatsApp Marketing Outside of the U.S.? by @esornoso

Published on 2015/04/10 By admin

It is not difficult to understand why nearly 50 million Brazilians are connected through WhatsApp; after all, this is a country where wireless communications are considerably more expensive than in the United States. The post What’s Up With WhatsApp Marketing Outside of the U.S.? by @esornoso appeared first on Search Engine Journal

7 Examples of Great Storytelling For Boring Brands by @sherisaid

Published on 2015/03/04 By admin

Some brands are inherently sexy, like the Ford Mustang. The name evokes an immediate feeling of caution-to-the-wind youth and speed.

The Most Important Thing Missing From Your B2B Content: Forrester’s @LauraRamos Tells All #C2C15

Published on 2015/02/19 By admin

A lot of presentations at this week’s Content2Conversion Conference touched on theories and tactics related to creating customer focused narratives in B2B content. While some marketers might think of incorporating storytelling in their B2B content marketing as a gamble, Laura Ramos of Forrester Research says it’s time to make that gamble.

How to Make B2B Marketing Stories Bigger With Social Media Microcontent

Published on 2014/09/17 By admin

Storytelling is a fundamentally human experience. We love to tell stories, ranging from whimsical fantasy to tense political thrillers. Some psychologists believe storytelling is actually necessary for human survival — we are hard-wired to respond to compelling narratives