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B2B Benchmark Report Sheds Light On Lead Generation Through Use Of Search & Online Media Mix

Published on 2011/09/28 By admin

The online B2B landscape is a challenging environment for lead generation.

B2B Benchmark Report Sheds Light On Lead Generation Through Use Of Search & Online Media Mix

Published on 2011/09/28 By admin

The online B2B landscape is a challenging environment for lead generation. The champs are those who can prove themselves to be the right solution at all the stages when a customer is in the market.

4 Point Twitter Audit: Becoming A More Beloved B2B Brand

Published on 2011/09/16 By admin

Welcome back to the third and final installment of the B2B Community Manager’s Guide To Identifying True Twitter Friends. In our first two episodes, we explored hands-on tactics for locating target audiences on Twitter based on topical conversations, categories, content consumed, and respected…

Before Or After The Form? Balancing Lead Generation & SEO Strategy

Published on 2011/09/07 By admin

Recently, our company started working with a client launching a new B2B website, which incorporated a membership-based conversion action (IE, member registration). As we went through the checklist of SEO best practices for launch, a question arose on the visibility of content marketing assets being..

5 Steps To Improve Your Customer Driven B2B Lead Generation

Published on 2011/08/31 By admin

To maximize online lead generation campaigns, B2B marketers need to focus on the multifaceted customer they serve. Design campaigns to meet their needs across the entire decision cycle and business buying process to achieve the optimal ROI from their program

What To Do When Your Brand Message Doesn’t Match How People Search

Published on 2011/08/24 By admin

SEO is all about words. Which words people search with; how to use them; and where to put them. Choosing the right keywords is imperative to the success of any SEO campaign

A B2B Community Manager’s Guide To Identifying True Twitter Friends, Part II

Published on 2011/08/17 By admin

Community managers aim to establish authority and offer value to a relevant community by way of sharing awesome, complimentary content, solve problems as they arise, and monitor and moderate topical conversations. Deep community managers know these forms of engagement must be tethered to actionable… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

How B2B SEO Fits Into Lead Management Optimization

Published on 2011/08/10 By admin

In a recent study from CSO Insights, nearly 83% of marketers indicated that new customer acquisition was a top strategic marketing objective for their organization. While this may seem obvious from the sales perspective, it helps to illustrate the increased alignment between the marketing and sales..

4 Tips To Launch Your B2B Marketing In Social Media

Published on 2011/07/27 By admin

Savvy business to business marketers realize that social media involves much more than opening corporate accounts on Facebook and Twitter. Today, social media offers B2B marketers significant, quantifiable and predictable results. This column explores the top four reasons B2B marketers should…

A B2B Community Manager’s Guide To Identifying True Twitter Friends

Published on 2011/07/20 By admin

The role of the online community manager (CM) was born out of the need for brands to connect with relevant people in a meaningful way.