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Use These Tools To See What Entities Are On A Web Page

Published on 2014/06/27 By admin

Search engines leverage structured data to determine what entities are on your web page. They can also do this using other techniques such as natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning

Up Close @ SMX: Enhancing Results With Structured Data & Markup

Published on 2014/06/13 By admin

When you think about the job the search engines have to do it’s pretty daunting.

[STUDY] Webmasters and Online Marketers are Missing Out on the Power of Schema.org

Published on 2014/04/22 By admin

Launched by Google, Microsoft, Yahoo! and recently adopted by Yandex, Schema.org is an initiative to standardize a set of […] Author information Marcus Tober CTO & Founder at Searchmetrics Twitter Facebook Google+ LinkedIn The post [STUDY] Webmasters and Online Marketers are Missing Out on the Power of Schema.org appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

Got SEO Basics? 5 Tips To Boost Your Organic CTR

Published on 2014/04/21 By admin

There’s no shortage of new digital marketing channels these days — and while they are innovative, exciting, and fun to experiment with, they can also distract you from SEO basics that can deliver performance gains. Your organic click-through rate (CTR) is a great example. A simple page… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

Rich Snippets: The Now-You-See-Them-Now-You-Don’t Phenomenon by @rbenci

Published on 2013/11/27 By admin

At recent search engine marketing conferences in Chicago and New York (#SESCHI  #SMXEast), Google’s Hummingbird announcement was the hot topic, generating endless buzz from industry experts and creating equal unease in the SEO community.  Hummingbird is basically a flashing neon sign announcing that Google has shifted its primary search algorithm from keyword matching to semantic […] Author information Rich Benci COO at Algebraix Data Rich Benci is the COO of Algebraix Data.

5 Ways To Unlock The Benefits Of Semantic Search

Published on 2013/11/07 By admin

Search is changing. It is now more personal, more engaging, more interactive and more predictive. SERPs no longer display just 10 blue links — they have become more useful and more visually appealing across all device types.

Search, Answers & Knowledge Graphs Galore

Published on 2013/06/20 By admin

Google is leveraging the knowledge graph brilliantly, while others have their own version of knowledge graph search.

Can Retailers Benefit From The Knowledge Graph & Schema? You Bet!

Published on 2012/06/08 By admin

The Knowledge Graph is the latest in a series of efforts in which Google has adopted technology from the semantic web aka the “Giant Global Graph” envisioned by Tim Berners-Lee.

Google Becomes Answer Engine With Semantic Technology − Great News For Retailers

Published on 2012/04/12 By admin

Google has been displaying more than blue links in search results  for a while now. And soon, users will be able to find more facts and direct answers to their queries on top of search results.

How To Get A 30% Increase In CTR With Structured Markup

Published on 2011/12/29 By admin

As documented by case studies in the U.S. and abroad, retail firms can get up to a 30 percent increase in organic traffic by using structured markup like Schema Microdata, GoodRelations and Google Rich Snippets, etc.