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#SXSWi 2014 Recap: #Creativity in Innovation and Entrepreneurship by @wonderwall7

Published on 2014/03/12 By admin

Creativity in Innovation and Entrepreneurship was a discussion lead by Robert Safian, the Editor in Chief of Fast Company, and John Maeda, Design Partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and former president of the Rhode Island School of Design. The session centered around why Silicon Valley, entrepreneurs, and startups need to embrace creativity and design […] Author information Kelsey Jones Search & Social Consultant at MoxieDot

#SXSWi 2014 Recap: #Productivity: Effectively Scaling Yourself by @wonderwall7

Published on 2014/03/11 By admin

On of the rooms on the Austin Convention Center’s 4th floor held a block of fifteen minute presentations called ¨Future 15.¨ These presentations varied widely, but mainly focused on self improvement and career advancement (author’s note: this was the case for the sessions I was in Monday).  One such presentation was given by Scott Hanselman […] Author information Kelsey Jones Search & Social Consultant at MoxieDot. Editor Kelsey Jones helps clients around the world grow their social media, content, and search marketing presence

#SXSWi 2014 Recap: Sales in Social: You Can Sell, But You Can’t Hide by @wonderwall7

Published on 2014/03/10 By admin

This session was targeted mainly for salespeople who want to use social media as part of their sales strategy. It featured Jason Suen, Director of Global Customer Success at Hearsay Social and Patrizio Spagnoletto, Head of Digital at Farmers Insurance. Spagnoletto started the discussing by stating that he believes that marketing and sales should be omni-channel, […] Author information Kelsey Jones Search & Social Consultant at MoxieDot. Editor Kelsey Jones helps clients around the world grow their social media, content, and search marketing presence

#SXSWi 2014 Recap: The Science of Predicting Earned Media by @wonderwall7

Published on 2014/03/10 By admin

Hearing about how to predict earned media, which is ¨when the customer becomes the channel,¨ according to Forrester Research,  was a packed room and featured experts from The Hershey Company and Visual Measures, among others.  The session opened with Seraj Bharwani, the Chief Analytics Officer of Visual Measures explaining why we are so interested in measuring and […] Author information Kelsey Jones Search & Social Consultant at MoxieDot.

#SXSWi 2014 Recap: Can Great Journalism Make for Great Business? by @wonderwall7

Published on 2014/03/10 By admin

The President of website and magazine brand The Atlantic M Scott Havens spoke on how their brand and company has started to run itself like a startup and how magazines and other print media like newspapers can move into the digital space and still be successful. Run the Business Like a Startup Havens recommended that […] Author information Kelsey Jones Search & Social Consultant at MoxieDot.

#SXSWi 2014 Recap: High on Hashtags by @wonderwall7

Published on 2014/03/08 By admin

The High on Hashtags session room was packed and standing room only and included a discussion and back and forth dialogue between Scott Fischler, the founder of The Hashtag Game, and Eric Bader, the CMO of RadiumOne. The session started with a reminder that hashtags can be extremely useful for gaining third and first party data, […] Author information Kelsey Jones Search & Social Consultant at MoxieDot. Editor Kelsey Jones helps clients around the world grow their social media, content, and search marketing presence.

#SXSWi 2014 Recap: Craig Key Explains Why The Idea of Going Viral Sucks by @wonderwall7

Published on 2014/03/08 By admin

Craig Key, the media director of agency space150, started this 2014 South by Southwest Interactive session by introducing the idea that trying to go viral is a flawed mentality and we shouldn’t aspire to it.