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How to Capitalize on Semantic Time Savings for Online Advertising by @vswfeaturelink

Published on 2014/03/07 By admin

Semantic technology is a term we have all heard, but does anyone really know what it means?

BlackBerry To Go Private: Reaches $4.7B Deal with Fairfax Financial by @wonderwall7

Published on 2013/09/23 By admin

Just announced today by the New York Times, BlackBerry is reporting that it has reached a deal with a partial owner, Fairfax Financial Services, to go private. The news comes with the agreement that BlackBerry will pay shareholders $9 per share in cash, which equals approximately $4.7 billion. Although no other company acquirers are named […] Author information Kelsey Jones Search & Social Consultant at MoxieDot

The Search Engine We REALLY Want To See Google (Or Microsoft) Build

Published on 2013/03/07 By admin

When you sit down and think about it, search engines today have not changed all that dramatically in terms of depth-of-insight compared to their early days. Google recently added the Knowledge Graph for a subset of queries; but at its core, the level of insight available to the searcher remains… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

Kid Tech According to Apple

Published on 2012/08/31 By admin

The children of today have been born and raised into a world of digital convenience like we’ve never seen before. Cars that drive themselves, GPS that allows you locate just about anything and even smart phones that are much more powerful than your dad’s first computer of the 80’s and 90’s