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Inside Influence EP07: Pierre-Loïc Assayag from Traackr on Influencer Marketing Technology

Published on 2020/11/16 By admin

Scrow : A conjunction of “scale” and “grow”, which is a word I made up to talk about the value of technology when it comes to ramping up the impact of B2B influencer marketing. When B2B marketers think about how to “scrow” the success of their influencer marketing, they often start by looking beyond spreadsheets from transactional to more relationship driven influencer models. To support these efforts they often seek influencer marketing platforms

Top 50 People Most ReTweeted by Digital Marketers – What Does It Mean?

Published on 2014/06/02 By admin

When identifying influencers as part of your social media and content marketing program, topic match and popularity are not enough to qualify an influencer as “effective”. By effective, I mean the ability and likelihood that a person can actually inspire action amongst a community. To determine the effectiveness dimension, it’s important to use tools  that look at other criteria such as the extent to which people respond and take action in response to a person. When it comes to Twitter, things like ReTweets and sharing of links are signals worth looking at