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50+ Top B2B Marketing Insights From Recent Emerging Trend Reports

Published on 2020/03/25 By admin

Even though the “Roaring Twenties” moniker of a century ago today takes on a more menacing new tone in light of today’s COVID-19 pandemic, smart B2B marketers are still hard at work and looking ahead. The B2B marketing world of tomorrow will be shaped by the emerging marketing trends we have seen during the beginning of 2020, and we already have a wealth of insight to learn from new research data that has come out in recent marketing reports. We’ll take a look at: Impressive Results in a Growing Influencer Marketing Industry Social Media Changes & The Rising Importance of Trust The Global Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) The Role of Emerging Digital Interfaces in B2B Marketing How Voice & Conversational Search are Reworking Traditional Search Engine Optimization (SEO) How One-To-Few Publishing is Poised for B2B Emergence With all these and more, let’s dig in and examine over 50 of the emerging marketing trends and statistics that are likely to play important roles in the B2B marketing world of tomorrow.

New Year, New View: 3 Ways to Approach Analytics in 2019

Published on 2018/12/20 By admin

The post New Year, New View: 3 Ways to Approach Analytics in 2019 appeared first on Online Marketing Blog – TopRank® .

Content Marketing Evolution: 5 Major Content Marketing Trends for 2018

Published on 2018/01/08 By admin

Do you remember upgrading from an old square TV to a high-definition model?

Kelvin Newman on the major search trends of 2016 [podcast]

Published on 2016/02/18 By admin

Today sees the release of the ClickZ Digital Marketing Podcast series, featuring some of the experts who contributed to our Digital Trends 2016 report . It features interviews with Tessa Wegert, Brian Clifton, Kelvin Newman and Parry Malm, looking at key trends for 2016. Here we’ll be taking a look (sorry, listen) to Kelvin Newman’s episode on search marketing.

Panic Flu Searches May Have Tricked Google Flu Trends Into Thinking Things Were Worse

Published on 2013/02/13 By admin

Google Flu Trends has been a critical tool for many trying to gauge the severity of influenza since it’s launch in 2008. Each year, Google Flu Trends attempts to show flu prevalence based off of flu-related Google search queries.

Future Trends: 2012 Online Marketing & Technology Predictions

Published on 2011/12/26 By admin

What does 2012 hold in store for online marketing? The acceleration of innovation in online technologies and the ways we can discover, consume and engage with information can be a challenge to keep up with. But as digital marketers that are more than shiny object opportunists, seeing future trends is exactly what we need to do in order to anticipate our place in the digital universe.

Keeping Pace As Competition In Paid Search Heats Up

Published on 2011/05/16 By admin

Back in December 2010, I was relatively convinced that click prices were going to continue increasing in 2011, but Marin Software recently released a study of large scale paid search programs that suggests otherwise. The Paid Search Quarterly Benchmarking Report showed that although average cost…