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LinkedIn’s Ty Heath: 3 Enduring B2B Marketing Trends #MPB2B

Published on 2020/11/05 By admin

While MarketingProfs B2B Forum’s Ann Handley was introducing Ty Heath , director of market engagement at The B2B Institute at LinkedIn*, for her keynote, “ Evolve your Strategy: 3 Mega Marketing Trends to Outperform Your Competition ,” she shared that one of the advantages of holding the event virtually for the first time was that you could be three places at once by being able to watch all sessions once the conference concludes. 2020 marked Ty’s third year speaking at #MPB2B, and her first keynoting the event, and for the occasion Ann shared her hand-drawn portrait of Ty. Ty began by explaining that LinkedIn’s B2B Institute serves as a think tank for accelerating B2B marketing and creating more value for B2B marketers, and then started her exploration of the three big trends that won’t necessarily change over time — trends savvy marketers will want to invest in over the next decade in order to see their organizations thrive.

B2B Marketing Spotlight: Ty Heath on Optimizing ABM & Social Sales with LinkedIn #mpb2b

Published on 2019/09/26 By admin

Ty Heath is one of those people who’s reputation precedes them. I had heard of Ty as a marketing industry speaker and force for change working at LinkedIn before finally meeting her in person. The IRL Ty experience did not disappoint.