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13 Considerations for Creating Successful Landing Pages from Oli Gardner of Unbounce #MPB2B

Published on 2015/10/22 By admin

While B2B marketing KPIs such as views, shares and impressions are important in helping to determine your digital marketing strategy, conversions will always be more important. You have to provide enough value to encourage people to click on your content, and then once they reach your destination, you have to convince them again that it is worth providing their contact information. Landing pages can be an incredibly powerful tool for moving prospects through the sales process but they are not all created equal.

How to Create Meaningful Marketing Experiences Before, During, and After Conversion by @amandadurepos

Published on 2015/05/05 By admin

Optimizing your landing page is a noble quest – but it’s only one step of the customer’s journey to conversion. The post How to Create Meaningful Marketing Experiences Before, During, and After Conversion by @amandadurepos appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

5 Expert Tips That Will Get You On the Road to Conversion by @markjohnh

Published on 2015/05/03 By admin

Who doesn’t love road trips? Here are expert tips that will get you on the road to conversion. The post 5 Expert Tips That Will Get You On the Road to Conversion by @markjohnh appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

A Scientific Model for Creating Emotionally Powerful Landing Pages by @amandadurepos

Published on 2015/04/09 By admin

This model will help you create landing pages that drive your buyer persona wild.

What 9 Conversion Experts Learned the Hard Way (So You Don’t Have To) by @smgrieser

Published on 2015/03/26 By admin

Cheer up, Picard. Your conversion mistakes make you smarter

3 Google Analytics Reports to Help You Find Blog Post Ideas Your Readers Will Love by @crestodina

Published on 2015/03/13 By admin

The screen is blank. Your hands hang motionless over the keyboard. It’s time to write… about something.

How to Generate Leads on Social Media by Simply Listening to Your Audience by @ShannnonB

Published on 2015/02/25 By admin

If you want to grow your business, you need to keep an ear to the ground and listen closely to your audience.

3 Questions You Must Answer to Create Mobile Landing Pages That Convert Like Crazy by @amandadurepos

Published on 2015/02/11 By admin

Creating a mobile-friendly landing page is no simple feat. For starters, you need to cram all of the essential landing page elements into half the space.

8 Mobile Landing Pages Get Spanked for Conversion’s Sake

Published on 2015/01/28 By admin

Do your landing pages provide delightful experiences for your users regardless of which device they’re using?

How to Use Psychology to Build Social Media Campaigns That Resonate by @DholakiyaPratik

Published on 2015/01/20 By admin

Social media isn’t only about getting likes, repins and retweets – it’s about building meaningful, long-term relationships with your audience.