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New Design on Google Search Results Pages

Published on 2012/11/08 By admin

Internet users in the US may have already noticed a slightly changed layout in Google.com search results.

The Hidden Story Behind Google’s Acquisition of Frommer’s Travel Guides

Published on 2012/10/15 By admin

By Gab Goldenberg, author of The Advanced SEO Book – read it free, pay if you like it in six weeks. You can get a free chapter here. Google’s acquisition of Frommer’s was recently in the news, but most of the news coverage missed the point about Google’s evolution from a search company to a The post The Hidden Story Behind Google’s Acquisition of Frommer’s Travel Guides appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

Weekly Search & Social News: 09/28/2010

Published on 2010/09/28 By admin

Hey there gang, it’s time for another ‘ 7 Days of Search and Social ‘ . Did ya miss me?

Weekly Search & Social News: 07/20/2010

Published on 2010/07/20 By admin

Hello ladies and gentleman, geeks and phreaks alike, it’s time for another edition of ‘ 7 Days of Search and Social ‘ ? Lookin to beat the summer heat?

Universal Search: A Huge Opportunity For European SEMs

Published on 2010/07/20 By admin

Although Google’s universal search results were introduced in the U.S. in 2007, they’re a relatively recent development in Europe, and not fully implemented everywhere