The F-shaped pattern has been the commonly understood way in which web users browse sites and search results. Has user behaviour changed since then, or have perhaps the changes that Google and others have made to the presentation of search results made a difference? An eyetracking study carried out by ConversionXL looks into this question, comparing the results with previous studies. Here are a few key findings from the article… The F-pattern no longer holds up The F-pattern was something discovered during testing by Jakob Nielsen .
At Pubcon 2014 in Las Vegas my colleagues John Rampton (Editor-at-large) and Loren Baker (SEJ Founder) had the opportunity to interview two experts about how to optimize pages for usability and conversions.
Not long ago I asked my twenty year old daughter where she goes to get information. Without hesitation she replied, “Google.” I thought this made sense. Her generation grew up with Google