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Why User Experience Design Needs Search Engine Marketing

Published on 2011/12/09 By admin

Most articles in this column focus on the how’s and why’s of usability, persuasive design and search engine marketing. We sound like a broken record. SEO needs UX

User Considerations For Web Design And Online Marketing

Published on 2011/02/04 By admin

The most difficult group entity we design for, engage with and market to is commonly referred to as “users”. Some of you know members of this group as people

How Human Factors May Affect Information Indexing And Retrieval

Published on 2011/01/07 By admin

If you were to ask a search engine marketer what their main goal is for their type of work, they may tell you, “We want our clients’ web site to come up first in search results.” To make their days more challenging, they may monitor popular keywords, create landing pages which are tightly focused… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.