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Why Content Marketers Everywhere Need to Get Down with User-Generated Content

Published on 2018/09/03 By admin

Authenticity: it’s treasured, but in short supply. TopRank Marketing CEO Lee Odden had it right when he wrote recently that trust in marketing is at risk

Traditional Media for Content Marketing: Pros, Cons, Examples and Best Practices

Published on 2015/01/20 By admin

How many times has traditional media been pronounced dead in the past decade? We’ve lost count, right? While there is no denying that TV, newspapers and radio have lost a ton of ground to digital, the fact of the matter is traditional media still matters. Even to digital marketers

How I Generated $25,000 with 249 Comments by @neilpatel

Published on 2014/12/23 By admin

It’s no secret that you can generate traffic by commenting on other people’s blogs. But the question is are you actually using this tactic? Chances are you aren’t.

My Failed Attempt at Content Marketing and What I’ve Learned by @neilpatel

Published on 2014/12/09 By admin

Did you know that there was a forum on Quick Sprout? Well, there isn’t anymore, but there was one for roughly a year. Before I get into my reasons for removing the forum, I want to go over the lessons I learned while running it.

From Social to Content: Facebook’s Evolution Into a Content Conglomerate

Published on 2014/04/24 By admin

In the wide world of the Internet, fickle users, demanding investors, and growing technologies are just a few […] Author information Derek Miller Contributor at CopyPress The post From Social to Content: Facebook’s Evolution Into a Content Conglomerate appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

Why Should UGC be a Part of Your SEO Strategy? by @dariozadro

Published on 2014/03/19 By admin

It is no secret–fresh and engaging content is the lifeblood of any successful website. It drives traffic, promotes conversions, and provides searchable material for Google and other search engines to scan and evaluate. Without a steady flow of new content the Internet would virtually grind to a halt.

Tips for Pictures That Generate Breakthrough Results in Social #SESCHI

Published on 2013/11/07 By admin

What picture of your brand are you painting in social? I don’t mean metaphorically, I mean what visuals are you using to represent what you do and what your audience cares about? Study and after study indicates that visual content is far more impactful in social than its text-only counterpart, and yet a majority of brands interacting in social aren’t adjusting their content mix accordingly.

Hyperlocal Social News On Patch

Published on 2013/06/03 By admin

Over the past few years, as print advertising sales have plummeted alongside circulation numbers, local newspapers have faced a somewhat treacherous path to survival.

How To Run A Winning Online Contest – #PRSADIConf

Published on 2012/04/04 By admin

If you flip through your TV channel guide, it’s hard not to notice the number of contest-based shows. Whether people are competing to be the next music icon, lose weight or play games using household products the common theme is competition and a chance to win big. TV producers are smart and continue to find success from audiences who like to compete and love to win.

7 Ways to Improve Your Online Reputation Management Strategy

Published on 2011/12/19 By admin

Is your reputation management strategy a turn off to your customers and critics? Should we respond, get angry, fire back, ignore the situation, censor comments, or just see what happens?  Those are some of the many questions that marketers are faced with today.