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New #MarketingNerds Podcast: #SEO for User Interface Design with Kristine Schachinger by @brentcsutoras

Published on 2014/11/09 By admin

In this week’s episode of Marketing Nerds, we had the chance to site down with Kristine Schachinger, who has a lot of experience working with companies on retrofitting  or redesigning their sites to better perform from an SEO perspective, specifically, SEO for User Interface Design. In this episode of Marketing Nerds, we cover: About a number of important considerations like what to think about when building or redesigning a site in regards to SEO. What aspects of design are the most important to pay attention to upfront when you are specking out the project.

What’sThe One Thing That Keeps Searchers From Converting On Your Site?

Published on 2013/06/27 By admin

There is an insidious voice speaking to your visitors from the moment they click through to your site. It camps in the back of their minds, setting up a tent and proceeding to talk your visitors out of taking action. While there are many angles this voice can work to fill visitors with doubt, there..

Why Blending Usability & SEO Really Matters

Published on 2011/11/11 By admin

Whenever the phrase, “usability and SEO”, enter a conversation, there’s a very good chance it goes in one ear and out the other. Corporate management interprets it as “We need more money”, and middle management fixes their poker face until they’re free to run to Google to look up the term