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Meeker report: what you should know about the rise of visual content

Published on 2016/06/08 By admin

Mary Meeker published her  Internet Trends of 2016   last week and among others, there were very interesting stats regarding the increase of visual content and most importantly, how this affects communication, marketing, broadcasting and ecommerce. There is a new generation coming up after millennials , the so-called Generation Z, which seems to be even more digital aware, comparing to the previous ones, evolving the idea of co mmunication and content consumption, preferring visual content over written text. As millennials are growing older, trends also focus on the next generation and it’s interesting to see how visual content will affect their digital habits over the next years.

Understanding our love of visual content

Published on 2016/04/21 By admin

We are experiencing an omnipresent visual domination lately and it’s not expected to change any time soon.

5 Steps to Increased Visual Content Engagement | #Infographic by @MDMJonathan

Published on 2015/02/22 By admin

Visual content performs better because the average consumer absorbs more of what they see than what they read.

How to Optimize Blog Images for Maximum Impact on Social Media and Search by @kevanlee

Published on 2015/02/18 By admin

You’ve likely heard the advice to add visual content to your blog posts whenever possible.

Tumblr Marketing: 10 Examples of Effective Brands Doing It Right by @albertcostill

Published on 2015/02/06 By admin

Here are a handful of tips to keep in mind when tinkering around with Tumblr marketing.

Up Your Content Game With Engaging Infographics by @sherisaid

Published on 2015/01/21 By admin

Content marketing is constantly evolving, and new ways to deliver your message crop up every day. But no matter how cluttered the marketplace, one thing remains constant: the power and glory of visuals. With every website scrambling to add quality content with the goal of appeasing the SERP gods, why do so many waste time and money on terrible infographics

What Are The Value of Images on Google? Insights on Image Search Behavior by @VogelLara

Published on 2014/11/20 By admin

Did you know 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual? The brain also process visuals 60,000 times faster than text and studies have shown 40% of people respond better to images than plain text. It is clear that people respond to images.

Why Visual Content Marketing Delivers Results [Infographic] by @MDMSEO

Published on 2014/09/28 By admin

Consumers respond better to visual marketing, and this is one reason infographics became an instant home run when they burst onto the scene several years ago. While they continue to be a very effective form of online marketing, everyone and their brother were churning out infographics a couple of years ago. It now requires a hot topic, interesting stats, and an eye appealing design to achieve the outstanding results they once produced

6 Easy Places to Find Data for Infographics and Charts: from @Buffer

Published on 2014/08/19 By admin

Six in ten of us are visual learners: people who learn best when information is delivered through the eyes; by looking at images or videos, or reading. That’s just one of the reasons why visual content is so important in today’s content marketing world.

Visual Content Marketing Strategy eBook

Published on 2014/08/18 By admin

If a picture is worth a thousand words, visual content marketing must be worth millions. As companies mature in their use of content marketing from simply creating “more” content for SEO purposes to creating really useful content designed to reach specific customer segments to influence business outcomes, the importance of content differentiation becomes paramount