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UX: The Key to The Future of SEO by @dariozadro

Published on 2015/01/17 By admin

The SEO landscape has undergone quite a few changes over the last few years. You don’t need me to elaborate much here. Google has reshaped the SEO landscape and, like it or not, where Google goes others follow.

WordPress vs. Drupal: How to Choose a CMS for Your Business by @alexanderkesler

Published on 2014/09/10 By admin

Like any sibling rivalry, WordPress and Drupal have been competing to be the best content management system (CMS) ever since their ‘births’ in 2001 (Drupal) and 2003 (WordPress). While both considered to be very good website creation tools, they have different strengths

How to Optimize Your Call to Action so Users Can Commit to Action by @shanejones15

Published on 2014/06/16 By admin

“Submit!” Um, no thanks, I’m not really a submissive person.

27 Cringe Worthy Website Design Mistakes to Avoid by @albertcostill

Published on 2014/03/22 By admin

Having a website is kind of a big deal. Everyone from major corporations, local businesses, lifestyle coaches and artists require websites to not only sell products or services, but to keep visitors informed on the latest news, contact information, and provide customer service. In the 21st Century, it’s a crucial part of your business One […] Author information Albert Costill Just a typical guy that enjoys an ice-cold beer, pizza, sports and music.

How to Increase Conversions by Earning the Trust of Searchers

Published on 2013/03/29 By admin

If the objective of your SEO campaign is to generate leads and convert sales, an important first step is earning the trust of a visitor through the development of “trusting beliefs.” Trusting beliefs increase the likelihood of someone entering an email address or completing a purchase on your website.

SEO Smackdown Round 2: Old Vs. New Search Engine Optimization

Published on 2013/02/01 By admin

Has SEO really changed? Search engine algoholics might say “Yes!” Experienced practitioners might say, “Not really.” Instead of keywords, site architecture, and link development, maybe we should understand aboutness, information scent, and validation. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article