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Wolfram Alpha Launches Image Identification Search Engine

Published on 2015/05/14 By admin

Wolfram Alpha does image search the Wolfram way, but showing entity data around the image as they interpret it. The post Wolfram Alpha Launches Image Identification Search Engine appeared first on Search Engine Land. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

Wolfram Alpha “Handwrites” Answers For April Fools’ Day

Published on 2013/04/01 By admin

Move over there just a little bit, Google. Even Wolfram Alpha, the computation knowledge engine (as it calls itself), is getting in on the April Fools’ Day gags.

Wolfram|Alpha Puts 300 Hand-Drawn Query Icons On Its New Homepage

Published on 2012/07/09 By admin

Here’s something you don’t see every day: hand-drawn artwork turned into search queries. Wolfram|Alpha has rolled out a new home page that features nearly 300 icons surrounding the traditional search box

Google Launches Knowledge Graph To Provide Answers, Not Just Links

Published on 2012/05/16 By admin

Hinted at for months, Google formally launched its “Knowledge Graph” today. The new technology is being used to provide popular facts about people, places and things alongside Google’s traditional results. It also allows Google to move toward a new way of searching not for pages…

With Fix In Place, Wolfram Alpha Explains How Siri “Recommended” The Lumia By Mistake

Published on 2012/05/16 By admin

It wasn’t Siri that was recommending the Lumia as the best smartphone to some last week; it was Wolfram Alpha. That won’t happen again, now that Wolfram Alpha has made changes to to fix problems it had dealing with customer reviews

Wolfram|Alpha & DuckDuckGo Conspire to Eat Google’s Lunch

Published on 2011/04/18 By admin

This afternoon, Wolphram|Alpha announced that DuckDuckGo is an ‘official partner’ and the latter will be fully integrating their open API announced in January.