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3 Key Ways Authenticity In B2B Writing Helps Solve People Problems

Published on 2023/04/17 By admin

Being given direction over and over again without clarification or elaboration can be downright frustrating.

8 Tips for B2B Marketers with ADHD to Elevate the Writing Process

Published on 2022/06/14 By admin

The post 8 Tips for B2B Marketers with ADHD to Elevate the Writing Process appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog – TopRank® .

B2B Content Marketing: 10 Tips to Level Up Your Writing Skills

Published on 2021/04/27 By admin

What is the biggest challenge a writer faces?  Nothing. Well, by “nothing,” I mean a blank white screen and a blinking cursor.  It mocks you with its unlimited potential.

20 Ways to Never Write Boring Content Again by @JuliaEMcCoy

Published on 2015/04/23 By admin

Content writing takes time, skill, and expertise if you want your readers to stay.

A Writer’s Guide: Calls to Action – Tips Inspired by Tweets from Content Marketing World

Published on 2014/09/16 By admin

Note from Lee: Please welcome Andy Thomson from TopRank in his first post to Online Marketing Blog: In managing the content marketing for a brand, you have to focus on the bottom line. You have to push sales to help you reach growth goals for the business.

Two Marketing Tips for Creating More Meaningful and Profitable Content

Published on 2014/07/14 By admin

Understand Globally, Communicate Locally Literally and figuratively. While at networking event in Bucharest I met the head of global business development and partnerships for a well known video hosting platform.

12 Easy, Simple Ways to Up Your Blog-Writing Game… From a Fortune Cookie

Published on 2014/01/07 By admin

Fortune cookies are notoriously cheesy. They tend to be something that could happen to anyone (e.g. you’ll meet someone special today) or something extremely vague (e.g.

How to Craft Jaw-Dropping Content & Become a Better Writer #NMX

Published on 2014/01/06 By admin

Growing up, there was always a battle in my life: school vs. cartoons

Why You Shouldn’t Outsource Content

Published on 2013/04/25 By admin

The internet can be broken down into two separate groups – those who create content and those who consume it. Those who create it have more social shares, influence, revenue, Google love, etc. We get it.

Discovering Your Client’s Voice while Ghostwriting

Published on 2013/04/11 By admin

Buffer Writing for an array of clients is my biggest challenge as a content marketer for one simple reason; I make a lousy chameleon. Let me ask you a question. How is it possible for a single writer to assume the voice of 15-20 clients competing in different verticals?