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WSJ: Local Businesses Losing Reviews After Yelp-Yahoo Deal

Published on 2014/04/11 By admin

The recent Yelp/Yahoo partnership has angered some local business owners who say years of positive reviews are now gone from their Yahoo Local business listings. Some of their stories were told this week in the Wall Street Journal, including Colonial Hardwood Flooring of Lexington, Mass. The..

Which Is The Most “Generous” Search Engine To Local Businesses?

Published on 2014/03/18 By admin

Earlier this month, one of our customers asked an interesting question in a training workshop. They wanted to know which search engine displayed the most local results for different types of search terms

Keep It All Straight and Get Started with the Locals: Yahoo Local, Yelp, Google+ Local by @highervis

Published on 2013/05/21 By admin

It’s incredibly important to get your business involved in local SEO, but businesses should not stop at just one search engine or one local listing service.

Yahoo Testing New Local Design

Published on 2010/12/08 By admin

Yahoo is testing a new version of Yahoo Local featuring “rich hyper-local content” in limited beta. Promising a truly personalized experience in announcing the beta, Yahoo hopes this service will help users discover and contribute to local news, deals, and events in their neighborhood. Click to read the rest of this post…

10 Easy Local SEO & Online Marketing Tips

Published on 2010/05/20 By admin

There are currently 29.6 million small businesses in the U.S. ( SCORE ). 63% of consumers and small business owners use the Internet to find information about local companies and 82% use search engines ( Webvisible & Nielsen ).