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Blue Links Be Gone: Yahoo Introduces Browser And Visual Search Experience “Axis”

Published on 2012/05/24 By admin

Search launches seem to come in threes. A couple of weeks ago we had Bing Social, then came Google with Knowledge Graph and now Yahoo introduces Axis. When I met with Yahoo earlier this week to hear about it I received the now familiar speech that Yahoo is still very much in search and continuing…

Yahoo Builds App Search For PC, AppSpot For iPhone, Android

Published on 2011/06/16 By admin

Shashi Seth, SVP of Search & Marketplaces at Yahoo believes that mobile apps are like websites in the early days of the internet and will only continue to multiply just as websites have done — seemingly exponentially. Regardless of whether the analogy is 100 percent accurate everyone…

The Yahoo Search Direct Alphabet: Where Every Letter Starts With Yahoo

Published on 2011/03/24 By admin

And you thought Google favored its own properties? Check this out: In Yahoo’s new Search Direct feature, 21 of the 26 one-letter alphabet queries show a Yahoo property as the first “answer.” If you type the letter “A,” for example, Yahoo Answers is the featured result;… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Head-To-Head: Yahoo Search Direct Vs. Google Instant

Published on 2011/03/23 By admin

Yahoo rolled out Yahoo Search Direct today, its rival to Google Instant. Yahoo says that its service is focused on providing actual answers, while Google’s is focused on bringing back links. True