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Yahoo Bringing Election Results To Search Results

Published on 2012/11/05 By admin

Tuesday is election day in the U.S. and, by almost all accounts, the presidential race between President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney will be tight

Yahoo Reveals Secrets Of “Search Direct” Alogrithm

Published on 2011/03/23 By admin

I had about 20 minutes with Yahoo’s Shashi Seth after the press conference to discuss a range of things related to the Search Direct announcement. First, he confirmed that Search Direct entirely replaces Yahoo’s Search Assist

Yahoo Previews “Rich, Immersive” Search Experience

Published on 2010/09/16 By admin

Yahoo previewed a new search experience that’s coming this fall during its Yahoo Product Runway event this morning. The event focused on several Yahoo products, and included a sneak peek at what Yahoo calls “rich, immersive” search results in the news and entertainment niches. The Yahoo Search Blog gives a hint at what’s to come, using *** Read the full post by clicking on the headline above ***

Yahoo Search Assist Adds Real Real Time Queries

Published on 2010/07/02 By admin

The Yahoo Search Blog announced that Yahoo Search Assist, the as you type search suggestion feature, now shows real time information as you type your query. The example given was searching for [netherlands vs] and as you type, you will see it show [netherland vs brazil], which is today’s match. Here is a screen capture: But *** Read the full post by clicking on the headline above ***